Until recently I was under the impression, that for any morphism $f:X\rightarrow Y$ of smooth complex varieties there exist functors six functors $f^*,f_{*},...$ between the derived categories of $\cal D$-modules with bounded holonomic cohomology.
However the experts assume, that all varieties are quasi-projective (See for example Bernsteins notes 1.7 or Hotta, Takeuchi Tanisaki 1.4.19)! It seems that this assumption is manily used to guarantee that certain (finite) resolutions exist, but also on a couple of other occasions.
My questions are:
1) Is there a "philosophical" reason why one should restrict to quasi-projective case?
2) Is this assumption crucial or does the whole machinery also work for arbitrary smooth complex varieties?
3) Without the assumption is there still a six functors formalism between unbounded complexes with holonomic cohomology?
4) Does the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence fail for arbitrary smooth complex varieties?