Suppose $\mathfrak{p}$ denotes all the symmetric matrices in $\mathfrak{sl}_{2n} \mathbb{R}$.
Then for each parameterized 1-dimensional linear subspace $\xi=\xi(t)$ of $\mathfrak{p}$ we get a 1-parameter subgroup $e^{\xi(t)}$ in $SL_{2n}\mathbb{R}$.
Now let us take some collection of $n$ linearly independant vectors $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ in $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$, and let $X$ be the $(2n \times n)$ matrix with $x_i$'s as columns.
Setting $\Xi(t):={}^tX e^{\xi(t)}X$ consider now the following problem: along which lines $\xi$ in $\mathfrak{p}$ is the function $\tilde{\Xi}(t):=det(\Xi(t))$ increasing?
There is at least one obvious strategy: we shall determine those $\xi$ for which the differential $d \tilde {\Xi}$ is positive.
As one tool, there is the so-called Jacobi formula. This very general formula tells us $$d \tilde{\Xi}=tr(adj~( \Xi(t))~~ d \Xi).$$
So in one sense, the Jacobi formula 'computes' our derivative. However it does nothing for us (it is a 'shallow' formula). It does nothing because I imagine there is no individual in the history of the world who could describe what the 'adjugate' of a matrix 'is' (a definition, by itself, gives no images).
But I would like to be wrong on this final point. And so my own question: can anybody refer me to an instance in the world/literature/experience where either the differential of a determinant has 'fallen out' or where Jacobi's formula has yielded something tangible?