Does anyone know of some good references for computing Christoffel symbols for Hermitian metrics?
A quick Google search turns up this. The following formula appears on page 4:
$$\Gamma_{AB}^C = \frac{1}{2}h^{CE}\left(\frac{\partial h_{AE}}{\partial z^B} + \frac{\partial h_{BE}}{\partial z^A} - \frac{\partial h_{AB}}{\partial z^E}\right)$$
where $A, B, C, E \in$ {$1, \dots, n, \bar{1}, \dots, \bar{n}$} and $z^{\bar{i}} = \bar{z}^i$. From this they get
$$\Gamma_{\bar{i}j}^k = \frac{1}{2}h^{k\bar{l}}\left(\frac{\partial h_{j\bar{l}}}{\partial \bar{z}^i} - \frac{\partial h_{j\bar{i}}}{\partial \bar{z}^l}\right)$$
How do they obtain this? Are they regarding $h$ as a map $(T^{1,0}M\oplus T^{0,1}M) \times (T^{1,0}M\oplus T^{0,1}M) \to \mathbb{C}$ where $h_{ab} = 0$, $h_{\bar{a}\bar{b}} = 0$, and $h_{\bar{a}b} = \overline{h_{b\bar{a}}}$? Even if they do, I don't see how they get the second term.
Everything else I have found deals only with Kähler metrics, in which case $\Gamma_{ab}^c$ and $\Gamma_{\bar{a}\bar{b}}^{\bar{c}}$ are the only non-trivial symbols.
More generally, are there any treatments of Hermitian geometry which take this coordinate approach (as is common in Riemannian geometry texts)?