Background: Today the notion of automorphic geometry is often framed in the context of the Langlands program, in particular what is sometimes called the Langlands reciprocity conjecture. This is often phrased as the expectation that all motives are automorphic. The historical development of this notion is fairly extensive, and can certainly be traced back more than a century to the work of Felix Klein and his student Adolf Hurwitz. One historical thread that therefore could be identified is the "elliptic lineage", with important contributions from Klein, Hurwitz, Hecke, Artin, Eichler, Taniyama, Shimura, Weil, Langlands, Deligne, Serre, Wiles, Taylor, and probably others.
I'm mainly interested in whether the notion of automorphic geometry (motives) has roots that go back farther than Klein and Hurwitz, but I'd also like to use this historical framework to ask what other "automorphic lineages" might be identified, possibly with overlaps with the elliptic lineage above.
1) Is there work on automorphic geometry that predates that of Klein and Hurwitz?
2) Are there other lineages in the automorphic genealogy?