Berkeley's collection of past qualifying exam questions contains the following:
''What are possible extensions of degree $3$ of $\mathbb{Q}_2$?''
I'm trying to figure out what the general approach is to attack a question like this. In this particular case, we know that $\mathbb{Q}_2^\times\simeq \mathbb{Z}\times \mathbb{Z}_2^\times$, where $\mathbb{Z}_2^\times$ is a pro-$2$ group. It follows that there is only one abelian extension of degree $3$ which would be the unramified one. Hence, all other such extensions are totally ramified.
Thus we are left with enumerating the totally ramified extensions. Here, the only approaches I can come up with is using the idea that such extensions are given by roots of Eisenstein polynomials. The standard proof that $\mathbb{Q}_p$ has a finite number of extensions of a particular degree, then shows that such polynomials are in bijection with a compact space and then uses Krasner's lemma to find a finite cover of this such that all the polynomials in the subsets of the cover have the same splitting fields. However, I can't really get anywhere applying this, as it seems to give duplicates.
I'm wondering if there's any easy ''right'' way to solve problems like this?