First, I have to admit that I don't have much knowledge of Spin Geometry and Index Theory, the question could be too simple or naive and secondly there may be too many questions.
Let $D$ be the Dirac Operator for standard metric and $S$ be the Spin bundle on $S^{2}$.There is a unique Spin structure on $S^{2}$. How does $D$ look like, Can we write a general form for the harmonic spinors on $S^{2}$ ?
What is the general expression for equivariant index of $D$ ?
If $W \times S$ is the twisted spinor bundle and $D$ is the twisted Dirac operator, we can write the equivariant index as an integral over the fixed point manifold in terms of equivariant Chern Character of $W$ and $\hat{A}$ - genus of the fixed point manifold using the Aiyah-Segal-Singer theorem. What I am interested in is the final expression for $S^{2}$.
What can we say about the product of n $S^{2}$'s.