You can mimic the standard finite group argument. Recall that, if $X$ and $Y$ are two finite-dimensional representations of $G$, with characters $\chi_X$ and $\chi_Y$, then $\dim \mathrm{Hom}_G(X,Y) = \int_G \overline{\chi_X} \chi_Y$, where the integral is with respect to Haar measure normalized so that $\int_G 1 =1$. The proof of this is exactly as in the finite case.
Now, let $W=1 \oplus V \oplus \overline{V}$. Your goal is to show that, for any nonzero representation $Y$, $\mathrm{Hom}(W^{\otimes N}, Y)$ is nonzero for $N$ sufficiently large. So you need to analyze $\int (1+\chi_V + \overline{\chi_V})^N \chi_W$ for $N$ large. Just as in the finite group case, we are going to split this into an integral near the identity, and an exponentially decaying term everywhere else.
I'm going to leave a lot of the analytic details to you, but here is the idea. Let $d=\dim V$. The function $f:=1+\chi_V + \overline{\chi_V}$ makes sense on the entire unitary group of $V$, of which $G$ is a subgroup. On a unitary matrix with eigenvalues $(e^{i \theta_1}, \cdots, e^{i \theta_d})$, we have $f=1+2 \sum \cos \theta_i$. In particular, for an element $g$ in the Lie algebra of $G$ near the identity, we have
$$f(e^g) = (2n+1) e^{-K(g) + O(|g|^4)}$$
where $K$ is $\mathrm{Tr}(g^* g) = \sum \theta_i^2$.
And, for $g$ near the identity, $\chi_X(e^g) = d + O(|g|)$. So the contribution to our integral near the identity can be approximated by
$$\int_{\mathfrak{g}} \left( (2n+1) e^{-K(g) + O(|g|^4)} \right)^N (d+ O(|g|) \approx (2n+1)^N d \int_{\mathfrak{g}} e^{-K(\sqrt{N} g)} = \frac{(2n+1)^N d}{N^{\dim G/2}} C$$
where $C$ is a certain Gaussian integral, and includes some sort of a factor concerning the determinant of the quadratic form $K$. You also need to work out what the Haar measure of $G$ turns into as a volume form on $\mathfrak{g}$ near $0$, I'll leave that to you as well.
For right now, the important point is that the growth rate is like $(2n+1)^N d$ divided by a polynomial factor. In the finite group case, that polynomial is a constant, which makes life easier, but we can live with a polynomial.
Now, look at the contribution from the rest of $G$. For any point in the unitary group $U(d)$, other than the identity, we have $|f| < 2n+1$. (To get equality, all the eigenvalues must be $1$ and, in the unitary group, that forces us to be at the identity.) So, if we break our integral into the integral over a small ball around the identity, plus an integral around everything else, the contribution of every thing else will be $O(a^N)$ with $a<2n+1$.
So, just as in the finite group case, the exponential with the larger base wins, and the polynomial in the denominator is too small to effect the argument. Joel and I discussed a similar, but harder, argument over at the Secret Blogging Seminar.