I would like to know whether $55$, $66$ and $666$ are the only triangular numbers that are repdigits, i.e., numbers at least $10$ whose digits w.r.t. base 10 all agree.
In more sophisticated terms, I am asking about solutions of the equation $$\frac{n(n+1)}{2} = \frac{d}{9}(10^k-1)$$ where $k \geq 2$ and $n$ are positive integers and $d \in \{1,2, \dots, 9\}$.
Here are some quick ideas:
Considering the remainder of triangular numbers modulo 100 yields that this can only work for $d \in \{1,5,6\}$. I only looked into the case $d = 5$ in greater detail. Then, the equation above can be rephrased as $$(6n+3)^2 = 4\cdot10^{k+1}-31.$$ If $k$ is odd, there are no solutions as $31$ is no difference of two squares. (Alternatively, use that the RHS is $\equiv 6 \ (\text{mod. } 11)$, but $6$ is a quadratic nonresidue of $11$.)
For $k$ even, we would like to find all solutions to the Pell-like equation $$x^2 - 10y^2 = -31$$ where $y$ is twice a power of $10$. Two such solutions are given by $(x_0,y_0) = (3,2)$ and $(x_0', y_0') = (63,20)$. The theory of Pell's equation yields that all solutions of this equation are given by $$\begin{pmatrix}19 & 60 \\ 6 & 19\end{pmatrix}^m \ \textbf{v}$$ where $m \geq 0$ and $\textbf{v} = (x_0, y_0)^{T}$ or $\textbf{v} = (x_0', y_0')^{T}$. But does this really help to prove that none of these has the property that the second component is twice a power of ten unless $m=0$?