Consider a drunk, blind man starting in the middle of the two dimensional open unit ball. At each turn, the man chooses a direction to move a step of size $\delta > 0$ in. Unfortunately, he is very drunk, so he has a $\frac{1}{2}$ chance of moving in the reverse direction instead! Further, he is blind, and without a cane so he does not know where he is after each step.
Formally, we write $(x_n, \theta_n)$ for the position and orientation of the man, where we start at $x_0 = 0$, $\theta_0 = 0$. A strategy is a sequence of angles $\phi_n$, chosen in advance.
Let $\epsilon_n$ be a sequence of iid Bernoulli random variables, taking values $0$ and $1$ with equal probability. Denoting by $R_{\theta}$ the rotation by angle $\theta$, and writing $v := (\delta, 0)$, his position and orientation are then updated according to the rule
$$(x_{n+1}, \theta_{n+1}) = (x_n + R_{\theta_n + \phi_n + \epsilon_n \pi} v, \theta_n + \phi_n + \epsilon_n \pi).$$
Question: What is an optimal strategy for the man to take to minimize the expected time to exit the ball?