This is a question that has appeared in various forms on MathOverflow, see here and here, for example. But as opposed to these more algebraic questions, I am interested in the purely topological version, and I would like to compile a list of techniques to approach this kind of problem.
For my own interests I will be working in the smooth category, though I'm sure the techniques generalize to a broader category of topological spaces. I will use the convention that an open manifold is a manifold that is not compact and has no boundary, and a closed manifold is a compact manifold without boundary.
Let $M$ be a manifold and $N$ a submanifold. Let $E \to N$ be a topological vector bundle. When can $E$ extend to a vector bundle $F \to M$ where $F|_N = E$? I am particularly interested in two specific cases, where $M$ is closed and $N$ is open (both as a subspace and as a manifold), or when $M$ is closed and $N$ is a codimension $1$ closed submanifold.
The primary tool for problems like this lies in obstruction theory of course. This theory has always seemed somewhat confusing to me, and I think not only I but many others would benefit from a breakdown of techniques and results from obstruction theory applicable to the above problem. Good references would also be welcome.