
Let $2 \leq k \leq n$ be integers, let $[n] := \{1,2,\ldots,n\}$, and for a subset $A \subseteq [n]$ let $A^2 := A \times A$ be the Cartesian product of $A$ with itself and let $|A|$ denote the cardinality of $A$.

Question: Let $f(k,n)$ denote the smallest integer $r$ for which there exist subsets $A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_r \subseteq [n]$ with the properties that $|A_j| \leq k$ for all $j$ and $\bigcup_{j=1}^r A_j^2 = [n]^2$. What is $f(k,n)$ (e.g., is there an explicit or explicit-ish formula)?

Examples and notes:

  • If $k \geq n$ then we have $f(k,n) = 1$ trivially, since we can pick $A_1 = [n]$.

  • If $k = 2$ then we have $f(2,n) = n(n-1)/2$, since the only way to have $\bigcup_{j=1}^r A_j^2 = [n]^2$ is if $\{A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_r\}$ contains all $n(n-1)/2$ of the $2$-element subsets of $[n]$.

  • A counting argument shows that $f(k,n) \geq \frac{n(n-1)}{k(k-1)}$.

  • The lower bound from the previous bullet point is not always attained. For example, if $n = 4$ and $k = 3$ then that bound says that $f(3,4) \geq 2$. However, it is not difficult to show that $f(3,4) = 3$ (attained, for example, by the $3$ subsets $\{1,2,3\}$, $\{1,2,4\}$, $\{2,3,4\}$).

  • Similar to the previous bullet, $f(n-1,n) = 3$ for all $n \geq 3$.

  • I have searched the OEIS, but have not found anything that I am convinced is this sequence/triangle. Additional numerical results might help in this regard.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ If I understand correctly, we have $f(3,5)=4$ and $f(3,6)\le7$, as witnessed by {123, 145, 245, 345} and {123, 124, 125, 126, 234, 356, 456}. Similarly, $f(4,6)=3$ because of {1234, 1256, 3456}. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 10 at 1:22
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you -- I have removed the extremely erroneous computational results. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 10 at 1:52

1 Answer 1


You are looking for $(n,k,2)$-covering designs, and your $f(k,n)$ is denoted $C(n,k,2)$. See https://www.dmgordon.org/cover/

For example, $f(3,6)=C(6,3,2)=6$: https://ljcr.dmgordon.org/show_cover.php?v=6&k=3&t=2

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Nice. It appears that values of $C(n,k,2)$ are known for small $k$, see for example the references given at mathoverflow.net/a/192065. In particular, we have $C(n,3,2)=\big\lceil{n\over3}\lfloor{n\over2}\rfloor\big\rceil$ by results of M. K. Fort, Jr. and G. A. Hedlund, “Minimal Coverings of Pairs by Triples,” Pacific Journal of Mathematics 8 (1958), 709–719. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 10 at 1:46

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