After some fiddling I found the solution, which I'm posting for future reference.
First perform the transformation
u(x,y) = e^{-k(x+y)} v(x,y)
which essentially sets $k=0$ by giving the simpler Goursat problem for $v(x,y)$
v_{xy} - \sigma^2 P(x-y) v = e^{k(x+y)}f(x,y) \\
v(x,0) = 0 \\
v(0,y) = 0
At this point one can use the Riemann method to find the solution to the inhomogeneous problem. In this case it amounts to finding the solution $A(x_0,y_0;x,y)$ to the homogeneous PDE
A_{x_0y_0} - \sigma^2 P(x_0-y_0)A = 0 \\
A(x_0,y;x,y) = 1 \\
A(x,y_0;x,y) = 1
Suppose at this point that there was no absolute value in $P(x)$. In this case the PDE would be
A_{x_0y_0} - \sigma^2 e^{-x_0/\tau} e^{y_0/\tau} A = 0 \\
A(x_0,y;x,y) = 1 \\
A(x,y_0;x,y) = 1
By performing the change of variables $z=e^{-x_0/\tau}$, $w=e^{y_0/\tau}$ and using the known results of the PDE $A_{zw} + \lambda A =0$ one can check that the solution of the Goursat problem \eqref{3} is
A_0(x_0,y_0;x,y) = J_0\left(2\sigma\tau\sqrt{\left(e^{-x_0/\tau}-e^{-x/\tau}\right)\left(e^{y_0/\tau}-e^{y/\tau}\right)}\right)
The solution if the absolute value is replaced with the opposite of the argument is by similar reasoning $A_0(-x_0,-y_0,-x,-y)$. It is clear then that the solution of \eqref{2} is
A(x_0,y_0;x,y) = \theta(x_0-y_0)A_0(x_0,y_0;x,y) + \theta(y_0-x_0) A_0(-x_0,-y_0,-x,-y)
By the Riemann's formula the solution to \eqref{1} is
v(x,y) = \int_0^x dx_0 \int_0^y dy_0 e^{k(x_0+y_0)}f(x_0,y_0)A(x_0,y_0;x,y)
so the final answer to the original question is
u(x,y) = e^{-k(x+y)}\int_0^x dx_0 \int_0^y dy_0 e^{k(x_0+y_0)}f(x_0,y_0)A(x_0,y_0;x,y)