I have been reading the discussion from Pushforward and pullback..
I understand that it is quite straight forward to construct a pullback of a vector bundle. In the discussion it is clear that if we have a map $f \colon M \to N$ betweeen manifolds $M$ and $N$ and a vector bundle $\pi_E \colon E \to M$ over $M$ then we can construct a pushforward $f_*E$ over $N$ provided that $f$ is a diffeomorphism. We can get these pullback vector bundles from the cartesian lift. In the case of a opcartesian lift which is related to the pushfoward, is it possible if get this notion provided that $M$ and $N$ are topological spaces?
It is not clear in the discussion that we can get such a pushforward $f_*E$ over $N$ where $N$ and $M$ are topological spaces, in case where $f$ is not necessarily a diffeomorphism. Can $f$ be a homeomorphism in this case? I does not seem possible to me, however I want to understand this rather rigourously.