I was reading the research article entitled "Asymptotic growth of finite groups" by Sarah Black. Professor Black makes the following statement at the bottom of page 406:
Indeed, given a f.g. residually finite group $\Gamma$ and finite generating set $S$, consider the family $\mathcal{G} = (G_i)$, consisting of all finite quotients of $\Gamma$, with respective generating sets $\mathcal{S}$, where, for each i, $S _i$ is the epimorphic image of $S$ under the mapping $\Gamma \twoheadrightarrow G_i$. Then it is easy to see that $\gamma_S^{\Gamma}$ and $\gamma_{\mathcal{S}}^{\mathcal{G}}$ represent the same function.
Notation. Following the notation of [1, Section 1], for $n \in \mathbb{N}$ we have $$\gamma_S^{\Gamma}(n) := \left\vert \{g \in \Gamma \,\right\vert\, l_S(g) \le n \}\vert, \,\, \gamma_{\mathcal{S}}^{\mathcal{G}}(n) := \max_i \gamma_{S_i}^{G_i}(n).$$
If someone helps me get a detailed proof of the above statement, then I will be grateful to him/her forever.
[1] S. Black, "Asymptotic growth of finite groups", 1997.