It's easy to know that the sequence of number of subgroups is unimodal for elementary abelian $p$-groups. I want to know if the result is true for any $p$-group.
More, precisely, let $G$ be a finite $p$-group with $|G|=p^n$. Write $$s_{i}(G)=\big|\{H\leq G:|H|=p^i\}\big|.$$ Is sequence $(s_{i}(G))_{1\leq i\leq n-1}$ is unimodal?
This means there exist $1\leq t\leq n-2$ such that $s_{i}(G)\leq s_{i+1}(G)$ for $i\leq t-1$ and $s_{i}(G)\geq s_{i+1}(G)$ for $i\geq t$. It's easy to show that the answer is positive when $G$ is elementary abelian.