I already asked this in the physics forum but without much attention, so I thought it might attract more attention here.
Is there an integral expression for the Poisson bracket that can be derived from the integral expression of the Moyal bracket? this is, given that the Moyal bracket can be written as $$\lbrace f,g \rbrace_M(p,q)=\frac{2}{\pi^ 2\hbar^ 3}\int dp_1dp_2dq_1dq_2 f(q+q_1,p+p_1)g(q+q_2,p+p_2) \sin\left(\frac{2}{\hbar}\left(p_1q_2-q_1p_2\right)\right),$$ and the fact that $$\lim_{\hbar\rightarrow 0}\frac{1}{i\hbar}\lbrace f,g\rbrace_M=\lbrace f,g\rbrace_P,$$ what expression do I get?