
I have non-negative $d\times d$ matrices $A$, $B$ and need a tractable way to compute the sum of all entries of $\exp(-t(A-B))$ where $A$ is diagonal and $B$ symmetric rank-$1$. IE


Where $t>0$ and $\langle M\rangle$ represents sum of all entries of $M$.

What expansion would be useful to estimate $f(t)$?

I know that norms of $A$, $B$ and $A-B$ are less than one, $A-B$ is positive semi-definite and norm of $B$ is relatively small compared to norm of $A$.

I can only afford to perform $c\times d$ operations for small values of $c$. Golden-Thompson inequality gives efficient to compute and tight bound for $\operatorname{Tr}$, but similar factoring is loose for $\langle\cdot\rangle$. Computing $f(t)$ would extend Velikanov's approach for computing SGD error after $t$ steps to small values of $t$.


  • 1
    $\begingroup$ For what range of $t$? $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Mar 17, 2023 at 1:20
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ For values $0<t<d^2$ $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 17, 2023 at 1:23
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Hmmm... $e^{d^2}$ is quite large. What error size (absolute or relative) will you agree to tolerate? $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Mar 17, 2023 at 1:30
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I'm a little bit confused about "cheap lower bound" because $A>C$ does not imply $e^{-A}<e^{-C}$ in general. I'm curious if you can give me an example of "realistic data" to try a couple of ideas on because your notebook is a bit hard for me to decipher. $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Mar 17, 2023 at 13:51
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @DimaPasechnik Conjugation means $A^{-1/2}(A-B)A^{1/2}$, not $A^{-1/2}(A-B)A^{-1/2}$, which is useless. The case $A=I$ is trivial because everything commutes, but you cannot reduce to it. $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Mar 19, 2023 at 18:37

1 Answer 1


This Asymptote code seems to work perfectly and for any $t$ in your range the estimate uses $Cd$ operations and is a guaranteed upper bound though I am not sure whether $C$ is small enough for you (I hope it is).

If you try to run it online on http://asymptote.ualberta.ca/ , the final pause() command should be removed. The output gives the value of $t$ (I run it over powers of 2 to make the comparison quick), the truth and the quick upper bound after it. All explanations tomorrow.

int d=300;


real p=0.6+2*unitrand();
real[] h,A;
real[][] C;

for(int k=0;k<d;++k) h[k]=exp(-p*log(k+1))*(1+2*unitrand());
real a=1/(2*max(h)+sum(h));

for(int k=0;k<d;++k) 
C[k]=new real[];
for(int l=0;l<d;++l) {C[k][l]=a^2*h[k]*h[l];}
real u=a*h[k];
A[k]=2*(u-u^2); C[k][k]+=1-2*(u-u^2);

real S(real[][] A)
real s=0; for(int k=0;k<d;++k) for(int l=0;l<d;++l) s+=A[k][l]; 
return s;

real[][] U=copy(C);

for(int kk=0;kk<19;++kk)
int t=2^kk;

real la=A[d-1]-a^2*h[d-1]^2;
for(int p=0;p<4;++p)
real s=-1,ss=0;
for(int k=0;k<d;++k) {s+=a^2*h[k]^2/(A[k]-la); ss+=a^2*h[k]^2/(A[k]-la)^2;}

pair r1=(-3.45888846213541,1.77794875224373), r2=(-0.541111537864589,5.00955180872487),
d1=(0.0960769769474388,0.281952388994648), d2=(-0.762743643614106,-0.350175117369014);

real s=0; pair ss=(0,0),sss=(0,0); 

pair r=-1/r1;
for(int k=0;k<d;++k) {ss+=a*h[k]/(1+t*r*(A[k]-la)); sss+=(a*h[k])^2/(1+t*r*(A[k]-la));}
pair al=ss/(1-t*r*sss);
pair[] Q;
for(int k=0;k<d;++k) {Q[k]=-(2/d1/r1)*((1+t*r*al*a*h[k])/(1+t*r*(A[k]-la)));}

ss=(0,0); sss=(0,0);
for(int k=0;k<d;++k) {ss+=a*h[k]/(1+t*r*(A[k]-la)); sss+=(a*h[k])^2/(1+t*r*(A[k]-la));}
pair al=ss/(1-t*r*sss);
for(int k=0;k<d;++k) {Q[k]-=(2/d2/r2)*((1+t*r*al*a*h[k])/(1+t*r*(A[k]-la)));}

for(int k=0;k<d;++k) s+=Q[k].x^2;




Now the explanations.

To the best of my understanding, you are aiming at finding $\langle(1-V)^t w,w\rangle$ with low relative error where $w$ is the vector of all $1$'s and $V=A-h\otimes h$ where $A=\text{diag}(a_j)$ and $h=(h_j)$ with $a_j,h_j>0$ ($j=1,\dots,d$).

The first observation is that we can factor out $(1-\lambda)$ where $\lambda$ is the least eigenvalue of $V$. It is the $\lambda$ that makes possible to have an equality in the positive definiteness Cauchy-Schwarz inequality $\sum_j{a_j-\lambda}x_j^2\ge\left(\sum_j h_jx_j\right)^2$ which is the least root of the equation $$ \sum_j\frac{h_j^2}{a_j-\lambda}=1\,. $$ I'm finding it by Newton iterations (I used 4 in the above program but if you want to go really high in $t$, 6 would be better). Note that it is crucial to get the correct root, so one should start with the initial approximation $a_{j_0}-h_{j_0}^2$ where $a_{j_0}=\min_j a_j$. It is tempting to start with $0$, but that will often throw you in between $a_j$ and result in a wrong root, which will ruin everything.

Now we have $V=\lambda I+V'$ where $V'=A'-h\otimes h$, $A'=\text{diag\,}(a_j-\lambda)$ is a SPD matrix with the least eigenvalue $0$ and the corresponding unit eigenvector $e_0$ that has positive entries (proportional to $\frac{h_j}{a_j-\lambda}$). This $$ (I-V)^t=(1-\lambda)^t(1-\tfrac 1{1-\lambda}V')^t\approx (1-\lambda)^t\exp(-\frac t{1-\lambda}V') $$ and $\approx$ is an upper bound.

So, from now on, I'll remove the primes, denote $a_j-\lambda$ by $a_j$, $V'$ by $V$, and $\frac{t}{1-\lambda}$ by $t$ (I didn't divide $t$ by $(1-\lambda)$ in the code above because $\lambda$ was very small in your setting and you do not need it when finding $e^{-tV}$ but if you are after the discrete case, it helps a bit).

Theoretically, $\langle e^{-tV}w,w\rangle$ (BTW, I recommend computing it after this renormalization because the geometric progression $(1-\lambda)^t$ doesn't affect the relative error but can easily result in mantissa overflow) is just $\langle w,e_0\rangle^2+\sum_{j\ge 1}e^{-\gamma_j t}\langle w,e_j\rangle^2$ where $\gamma_j$ and $e_j$ are the remaining eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The idea is to replace it with $\langle F(tV)w,w\rangle$ where $F(t)\ge e^{-t}$ is a good approximation to $e^{-t}$ (we will discuss below how good we want it) and $\langle F(tV) w, w\rangle$ is reasonably quick to compute.

All I really know how to compute quickly is $w(z)=(I+zV)^{-1}w$. This calls for solving the system of equations $$ w(z)_i (1+za_i)-z\langle w(z),h\rangle h_i=1\,. $$ Let $\alpha=\langle w(z),h\rangle$. Then $w(z)_i=\frac{1+z\alpha h_i}{1+z a_i}$ and $\alpha$ can be found from $$ \sum_i \frac{1+z\alpha h_i}{1+z a_i}h_i=\alpha\,, $$ i.e., $\alpha=\frac{s_1}{1-zs_2}$ where $s_q=\sum_i \frac{h_i^q}{1+z a_i}$, $q=1,2$.

Thus we can afford rational functions of not too high degree. This is the key. We can now use $F(t)=P(t/2)^{-2}$ where $P$ is the partial sum of the Taylor series for $e^t$ (I used $P(t)=1+t+t^2/2+t^3/6+t^4/24$ in the above program because I was aiming at the range of hundreds (Asymptote will just run out of memory if you try to make a $d\times d$ matrix with $d=10^4$ and it is also about 100 times slower than C++, because it is an interpreter, not compiler; for $d\asymp 10^4$ I would rather recommend degree 8).

If $r_m$ are the (complex!) roots of $P$ (which have to be found once with high precision; I actually found the roots of $P(t/2)$ in the upper half-plane, those are the mysterious $r1$ and $r_2$ in the code) and $d_m=P'(r_m)$, then we have the representation $$ \frac 1{P(t)}=\sum_m\frac {d_m}{t-r_m}=-\sum_m \frac 1{r_md_m}\frac 1{1+(-1/r_m)t}=-2\Re {\sum_m}' \frac 1{r_md_m}\frac 1{1+(-1/r_m)t} $$ where ${\sum}'$ is taken over the roots in the upper half-plane (so you have to run the above computation just for 2 roots for degree 4, 4 roots for degree 8, etc.).

Thus we get $$ P(tV/2)^{-1}w=-2\sum'_m \Re[(r_md_m)^{-1}w(-r_m^{-1})t/2] $$ which is readily computable as above, and

$\langle P(tV/2)^{-2}w,w\rangle=\|P(tV/2)^{-1}w\|^2$ (one more summation of squares of entries).

Now it is time to discuss precision.

Since $\sum_{j\ge 0}\langle w,e_j\rangle^2=\|w\|^2=d$, we have $$ \langle e^{-tV}w,w\rangle=\sum_{j\ge 1}\langle w,e_j\rangle^2\left[\tfrac {\langle w,e_0\rangle^2}{d-\langle w,e_0\rangle^2}+e^{-t\gamma_j}\right] $$ and $$ \langle F(t)w,w\rangle-\langle e^{-tV}w,w\rangle= \sum_{j\ge 1}(F(t\gamma_j)-e^{-t\gamma_j})\langle w,e_j\rangle^2\,. $$ Note that all terms are positive, so the relative error in the sum is at most the maximum of the relative errors in the individual terms. Note also that, since $e_0$ has positive entries, we have $\langle w,e_0\rangle\ge 1$. Thus we are interested in $$ E=\max_{t>0}\frac{F(t)-e^{-t}}{\frac 1{d-1}+e^{-t}}= max_{t>0}\frac{P(t/2)^{-2}-e^{-t}}{\frac 1{d-1}+e^{-t}}\,. $$ This can be investigated theoretically, but I'll just make a small table (the first number is the degree of the polynomial and the second is $d$) so that you can see that for $n=4, d=100$ I have only 10% error in the worst case scenario (your data can never go that high) while for $d=10^4$, with $n=4$ I can theoretically go 150% above the truth while $n=8$ gives you guaranteed 5% precision at the expense of 2 extra roots. If you can afford $n=14$, you can go to ten millions range and declare your computations "precise".

Edit: The $\lambda$-story.

The estimate $E=E(d,n)$ for the relative error above is uniform in all $t>0$, but it is based of the assumption that the lowest eigenvalue $\gamma_0$ is exactly $0$, so not only the term $\langle w,e_0\rangle^2e^{-\gamma_0 t}$ is evaluated exactly by $\langle w,e_0\rangle^2 F(t)$, but it also stays fixed independently of $t>0$. The relative error bound is based not on the idea that $F(t)$ approximates $e^{-t}$ with small relative error on the whole semi-axis (that is impossible and you have a blow-up beyond $t=40$ or so for $n=16$) but on the idea that both $F(t)$ and $e^{-t}$ become negligibly small compared to $\frac 1{d-1}$ when the relative error between them becomes large.

In actual computation, you'll not be able to keep $\gamma_0$ exactly at $0$ (the computation of $\lambda$ has some error), so it is important to understand what happens if it is small. The answer is that as long as $|\gamma_0|t<0.01$, say, nothing changes in the bounds; just $1$ gets replaced by $0.99$ in the formula for $E$. However, if this product is large, the whole thing falls apart dramatically because you accumulate a huge relative error in the term that was presumed to be evaluated exactly and the numerator in $\frac 1{d-1}$ will also become $e^{-\gamma_0 t}$. So, you are theoretically guaranteed to have the relative error as claimed only if you use the $\lambda I$ reduction and compute $\lambda$ with the error at most $0.01 t^{-1}$. Otherwise you'll be outputting junk for large $t$. On the other hand, the theoretical guarantee (once you just check that its assumptions hold) is a sure one, so you do not need to check that its conclusion holds directly.

Moral: make sure that the error in $\lambda$ is much smaller than $1/t$ and you will not need to check anything else after that, provided that there is no stupid error in the code, which would reveal itself on small data.

2       10      0.17245166347402
2       100     0.961455640371778
2       1000    4.28015125191342
2       10000   19.7816887991447
2       100000  101.301563701775
2       1000000 570.64054529331
2       10000000        3464.50750307103
4       10      0.0162756483432251
4       100     0.106015462775259
4       1000    0.429607071204345
4       10000   1.4053481903916
4       100000  4.41442731700713
4       1000000 14.7171384159884
4       10000000        54.2101332254995
6       10      0.00166712645387837
6       100     0.0139026251293181
6       1000    0.0705786452201884
6       10000   0.2484898912299
6       100000  0.708166083384971
6       1000000 1.85420759122078
6       10000000        4.87739303482548
8       10      0.00016984164765101
8       100     0.00166787956056493
8       1000    0.0110935381765316
8       10000   0.0492442082940087
8       100000  0.159219723419999
8       1000000 0.420853472933991
8       10000000        1.00146598253247
10      10      1.73531792069359e-05
10      100     0.000183806352715792
10      1000    0.00151002712819166
10      10000   0.00873278982007405
10      100000  0.0352404205756958
10      1000000 0.107570103457829
10      10000000        0.271655462239004
12      10      1.78880885047298e-06
12      100     1.94620128830683e-05
12      1000    0.000180991851874676
12      10000   0.00131944915308362
12      100000  0.00681706198345839
12      1000000 0.0256053500194781
12      10000000        0.0750096474609068
14      10      1.86072838564969e-07
14      100     2.04069133751507e-06
14      1000    2.00507453637578e-05
14      10000   0.000172432808234548
14      100000  0.00112204219089126
14      1000000 0.0052891118636613
14      10000000        0.0187925172629428
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for doing this work, I'll dive deeper into this on Monday. The concrete $h$ I'll try to evaluate it on is for $h=1^{-p},2^{-p},\ldots,d^{-p}$ with $p=1.1$ and $d=10000$. Looking forward to your explanation! $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 19, 2023 at 6:52
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @YaroslavBulatov Here is the underlying "mini-theory". I hope it gives you enough speed in your computations. Also make sure that you have enough precision: I wouldn't dare to raise a number to the power $d^2=10^8$ with just regular double type. Let me know how it works out and feel free to ask as many questions as you want :-) $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Mar 19, 2023 at 14:57
  • $\begingroup$ still parsing through the details, but I can run the code and it's faster than I thought was possible. BTW, there's a simple expression for resolvent of $V$ in terms of resolvent of $A$ and resolvent of $h\otimes h$, I wonder if that could be useful here $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 20, 2023 at 23:52
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @YaroslavBulatov There are some introductory lectures online like www2.math.upenn.edu/~kirillov/MATH548-F07/Lect1.pdf which may help though the best way to understand it is just to try to check the corresponding statements yourself :-) $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Mar 21, 2023 at 3:27
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ "you are measuring it for scalar arguments and saying it transfers to generalized arguments" Not sure what exactly you mean by that, but if it is "the relative error of the sum of positive terms does not exceed the maximum of the relative errors of individual terms", then yes. The formula for $E$ gives you the worst case scenario (i.e., if the truth is $T$, you computed estimate will be between $T$ and $(1+E)T$), so I would write a program that allows you to choose the degree $n$ of the polynomial (that will require precomputing and storing several sets of complex roots and derivatives). $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Mar 21, 2023 at 19:51

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