I am working with a proof that would greatly benefit from a definition of conditional probability along the lines of the obscure unreferenced alternative definition found in Wikipedia. A Wikipedia user in the talk page said
Ridiculously, the "Alternate definition" in THIS article is an example of a NON-REGULAR conditional probability.
so some issues seem to arise in this definition. An equivalent question has appeared many years ago on MathSE but has, unsurprisingly, received no answers; therefore I appeal to the help of the MO community. In detail, I would want to know if, given real-valued random variables $X,Y$ and a Borel set $C$ $$\lim_{\varepsilon \to 0}\frac{P(\{Y \in C\}\cap \{X\in B_{\varepsilon}(x)\})}{P(X \in B_{\varepsilon}(x))}\stackrel{?}{=}P(Y \in C|X=x)$$ where $B_\varepsilon(x)=(x-\varepsilon,x+\varepsilon)$. In the case $P(X=x)>0$, the conclusion would follow by using $B_{1/n}(x)\supseteq B_{1/(n+1)}(x),\,\forall n$ and $B_{1/n}(x)\downarrow \{x\}$ but of course I am interested in the case where $\{X=x\}$ has measure zero. I have tried to search for a reference that hints at this problem, but to no avail. Thank you for any help.