Partial answer:
$g(z)=\sum_{k=1}^n a_kb_k^{1/z}$ is analytic on the punctured plane and clearly $f(z)=e^{z\log g(z)}$ defines $f$ analytic outside the zeroes of $g$ - as usual locally and then we can stitch together a global $f$ with appropriate cuts.
Now $g >0$ on the real axis outside the origin by definition, so it comes down to figuring out if $g$ has zeroes only in the left-hand plane.
Since $1/z$ preserves the right hand and left hand planes, we need to look at the zeroes of $\sum a_kb_k^w=\sum a_ke^{c_k w}, c_k=\log b_k$ which are known as exponential or Ritt polynomials and there is a large literature about.
Edit later - actually since in the case $n=2$ the zeroes of $h(w)=a_1e^{c_1w}+a_2e^{c_2w}, c_k=\log b_k, c_1<c_2<0$ are clearly periodic with period $\frac{2k \pi i}{c_2- c_1}$, so all have the same real part, the function $f$ will be analytic in the right half plane precisely when one, hence all, are in the left half plane as then the zeroes of $g(z)=h(1/z)$ are like that too as noted.
This happens when with $a=\frac{a_1}{a_2}$ so one such zero is $w_0=\frac{\log (-a)}{c_2-c_1}$ we have $\Re w_0 \le 0$ and that happens precisely when $|a| \le 1$ or $a_1 \le a_2$, so we can actually completely solve the case $n=2$
Edit later per comments: Since $f(x)$ seems to be defined the usual way for $x>0$ where we have a unique positive $1/x$ root for the positive number $g(x)$, $\log g(x)$ is defined uniquely and continuously (real analytically too) by its usual real value and we can extend it (uniquely) to an analytic $\log g$ on a small (simply connected) neighborhood of the positive real axis in $\Re z>0$ - note that it may not be a strip if zeroes of $g$ accumulate towards the real axis. So already $f$ has unique analytic continuation to a complex open set in $\Re z >0$ and the only question is how much more we can go and still be analytic in $\Re z >0$ and that is precisely until we hit zeroes of $g$ where we have to start making cuts. If there are no zeroes, then $\log g$ and hence $f$ have analytic continuation to the whole half plane.
If $n=1$ we have $g(x)=a^xb, x>0$ so $\log g(x)=x \log a +b, x>0$ and that clearly extends to $\Re z>0$ so $f(z)=b a^z$ is the analytic continuation to $\Re z >0$ and actually to all $z$ finite as the singularity at $0$ is removable as we see.