This more than answers my question, thank you! Much as I like Birkhoff-von Neumann, something more elementary would go over better with my audience. Here's what I came up with:
We'll assume the elements of $D_1$ are distinct and for finding critical points will work instead with the simpler function
$$g(U)=\mathrm{Tr}(D_1 U D_2 U^\intercal)\;,$$
which differs from $f$ by a factor $-2$ and constants.
We are interested in the linear variation with $X$ of $g(U+X)$, where $X$ is subject to a linear constraint to keep $U+X$ orthogonal. From
we see that this constraint is that $XU^\intercal$ is antisymmetric. Let $A$ be any $m\times m$ antisymmetric matrix, then $X=AU$. Using this for the parametrization of the perturbation, we obtain
$$g(U+AU)=g(U)+\mathrm{Tr}\left(A(UD_2U^\intercal D_1-D_1UD_2U^\intercal)\right)+O(A^2)\;,$$
where we used $A^\intercal=-A$. The linear term has the form $\mathrm{Tr}(AB)$, where $B$ is also antisymmetric. Since $A$ is any antisymmetric matrix, $\mathrm{Tr}(AB)=0$ implies $B=0$. To evaluate $B$, first define $C_2=UD_2U^\intercal$, and work out the $(i,j)$ element, for $i\ne j$:
$$(B)_{i j}=\left((D_1)_{jj}-(D_1)_{ii}\right)(C_2)_{ij}\;.$$
Since these are all zero, and the elements of $D_1$ are distinct, this shows that $C_2$ is diagonal. But $C_2$ has the same spectrum as $D_2$, so the basis change $U$ must be just permutations and sign flips of the basis.