The category of smooth manifolds (SmoothMfld) can be thought of the Cauchy completion of the category $U$ of open subsets of Euclidean spaces (with smooth maps) [1]. This fact is shocking to me as it provides an intrinsic definition of smooth manifolds.
If this fact can be generalized to manifolds equipped with other types of structures, we'd have a whole new perspective of what a manifold ought to be.
Alas, the proof given in [1] only works for smooth manifolds: Modulo some categoricaly nonsense, the crux of the proof (given in [1]) lies in the fact that the fixed point set of any idempotent in $U$ again has a smooth manifold structure. This essentially requires the use of tangent space and, more importantly, the inverse function theorem
Still, it doesn't prove that it fails for other cases. Thus this question: Is the category (X-Mfld) the Cauchy completion of the corresponding $U$, for X being Topological, PiecewiseLinear, Complex, Analytic.. etc?
[1] nLab authors, "chapter 4: The category of smooth manifolds", Karoubi envelope (Revision 35), August 2022.