Let $X$ be the Grassmannian variety $\operatorname{Gr}(k,n)$ of $k$-planes in $\mathbb{C}^n$. I'm aware of two ways to describe its $T$-equivariant cohomology:
(Quotient ring) $H_T^*(X)=\Lambda[e_1(x|t),\dotsc,e_k(x|t)]/(h_{n-k+1}(x|\dotsc,h_{n}(x|t))$ where $\Lambda=\mathbb{C}[t_1,\dotsc,t_n]$, and $e_i(x|t)$ (resp. $h_i(x|t)$) are the elementary (resp. complete homogeneous) factorial symmetric polynomials.
(GKM) The fixed points $X^T$ are indexed by Young diagrams $\lambda$ inside the $k\times (n-k)$ box, and $H_T^*(X)$ is a certain subring of the ring $\bigoplus_{\lambda \in X^T}\Lambda$. Specifically, a tuple $(f_\lambda)$ in this subring must satisfy certain congruences of the form $t_i-t_j \mid f_{\mu} - f_{\nu}$.
What is the (ring) isomorphism from 1. to 2.?
This is definitely somewhere in the literature, but I haven't been able to find a reference stating the explicit map. A more general reference for e.g. partial flag varieties would also be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I believe the right map is the evaluation given by Hunter Spiker's comment, I'm looking for a reference stating that fact.