
Let $n,k \geq 3$ be positive integers with $n$ much larger than $k$ and consider a random assignment of weights to the edges of the complete graph $K_n$. On each vertex of $K_n$ we attach a random binary string of length $k$ with equal probability. For each vertex $v$ let $b(v)$ denote the attached binary string. For a binary string $b$, let $x_0(b)$ denote the number of zeroes in $b$ and $x_1(b)$ be the number of one's in $b$. For each pair of vertices $u,v$ put

$$w(\{u,v\}) = \max\{x_0(b(u) + b(v)), x_1(b(u)+b(v))\}$$

Here summation of two binary strings of length $k$ is to be interpreted as summing two elements of $\mathbb{F}_2^k$, say.

Let $X_{n,k}$ denote the random variable

$$X_{n,k} = \max \{ w(\{u,v\}) : u,v \in V(K_n)\}.$$

What is $E(X_{n,k})$ as a function of $n$ and $k$?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ What operation is $b(u)+b(v)$? Addition as binary numbers? Element-wise mod 2 addition? $\endgroup$ Commented May 1, 2022 at 5:25
  • $\begingroup$ Since you say "$n$ much larger than $k$" it sounds like you're looking for some sort of asymptotics. Can you say more about which regime you're interested in? The case $n\approx 2^k$ will be very different from the case $n\approx k^2$.... $\endgroup$ Commented May 1, 2022 at 14:04
  • $\begingroup$ @BrendanMcKay I have clarified what I mean by summing two binary strings. $\endgroup$ Commented May 1, 2022 at 16:13
  • $\begingroup$ @JamesMartin I believe in the relevant case $k = O(\log n)$, or even a fixed large constant independent of $n$. $\endgroup$ Commented May 1, 2022 at 16:13
  • $\begingroup$ If $k=c\log n$ for constant $c$, then the maximum is $k$ with probability bounded above 0. If $k$ is a constant, the maximum is $k$ almost surely. $\endgroup$ Commented May 2, 2022 at 5:42

1 Answer 1


(Not a complete solution.)

An interesting property is this: For an edge $uv$, the distribution of $b(u)+b(v)$ conditioned on $b(u)$ is the same as the unconditional distribution (namely uniform). From this it follows that for two distinct edges $uv$, $xy$, $w(u,v)$ and $w(x,y)$ are independent even if they have one vertex in common.

Continuing the same logic, the weights are independent for a set of edges that form an acyclic subgraph. I won't use this fact, but applying it to a spanning tree gives probability $\exp(-\Omega(2^{-k}n))$ for the maximum being less than $k$ if $2^{-k}n\to \infty$.

Let $X$ be the random variable equal to the number of edges with weight $k$. Due to the pairwise independence we can easily calculate $$ \mathbb{E} X = \binom{n}{2}2^{-k+1},\quad \mathrm{Var} X = \binom{n}{2}2^{-k+1}(1-2^{-k+1}).$$ As is well known (Chebyshebv's Inequality?) the probability of a non-negative random variable being zero goes to 0 if $\mathrm{Var} X=o(\mathbb{E} X)^2$. This happens if $2^{-k}n^2\to\infty$.

Using the stronger independence noted above would allow good bounds on central moments of higher order, giving stronger results and possibly the asymptotic distribution of $X$.

  • $\begingroup$ It is not clear to me where you accounted for the fact that one needs to account for the maximum function to give the edge weights... could you please clarify? $\endgroup$ Commented May 2, 2022 at 12:55
  • $\begingroup$ @StanleyYaoXiao I'm only considering the event that the weight is k, which occurs for 2 of the $2^k$ possible values of $b(u)+b(v)$. The analysis is the same no matter which two values we are interested in. $\endgroup$ Commented May 2, 2022 at 13:10
  • $\begingroup$ I believe this gives me a good idea for what happens in the regime where $n$ is large compared to $k$. I am also interested in the reverse regime, when $n$ is small compared to $k$; see this question: mathoverflow.net/questions/421589/… $\endgroup$ Commented May 2, 2022 at 14:54

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