I am looking for a reference for theorem 3.21 of these notes: https://web.math.princeton.edu/~takumim/Berkovich.pdf
The theorem states that if $k$ is a non-Archimedean field and $X$ and $Y$ are $k$-Banach algebras then the canonical map $X\otimes_k Y \rightarrow X\hat{\otimes}_k Y$ is injective. That is the seminorm on the tensor product is in fact a norm. Said seminorm is defined on page 12 of the above notes.
This theorem is originally part 4 part of theorem 1 in section 3 of: http://www.numdam.org/item/10.24033/bsmf.1635.pdf
I'm asking for another reference because I would like a published reference which proves said theorem in the case when $k$ is trivially valued, and I believe the original paper takes the field to be nontrivially valued. I would also still be interested if the theorem isn't generally true but holds when the spaces $X$ and $Y$ are of countable type, or are even complete $k$-algebras with multiplicative norms. I'm primarily interested in looking at the tensor products of residue fields of Berkovich analytifications of schemes.
Thanks in advance.