Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field, $A$ and $B$ two finite type $K$-algebras which are assumed to be UFD. Is $A \otimes_K B$ again a UFD?
This question has been already asked here and here, but no (convincing) answer was given. I would like to add a few examples to show that the answer might be slightly less standard than it appears.
$\bullet$ If we drop the finite type assumption, the result is wrong. Indeed, take $\require{enclose}
\enclose{horizontalstrike}{A = K[[T]]}$ and $\require{enclose}
\enclose{horizontalstrike}{B = K[X,Y,Z]\Big/ \left(X^5 + Y^7-Z^2 \right)}$. Then Samuel proves in his lecture notes Lecture on unique factorization domains that $A$ and $B$ are UFD (see Theorem 8.1 in chapter 1 and Theorem 2.1 in chapter 2). On the other hand, he also proves that $\require{enclose}
\enclose{horizontalstrike}{A \otimes_K B = B[[T]]}$ is not a UFD (see Theorem 9.1 in chapter 1).
Edit : as mentionned by Friedrich Knop, $A \otimes_K B$ is only a subalgebra of $B[[T]]$ (my stupid mistake) and so it's not clear wether it is a UFD or not.
$\bullet$ Even with the finite type assumption, the result doesn't seem to be known (at least at the time when Samuel wrote his lecture notes). Indeed, he states his Theorem 8.1 as:
Let $A$ be a UFD and $A[X_1, \ldots, X_n]$ be graded by assigning weights $\omega_i$ to $X_i$ ($\omega_i >0)$. Let $F(X_1, \ldots, X_n)$ be an irreducible homogeneous (for the grading) polynomial, $c$ be a positive integer, prime to the degree of $F$, and: $$B = A[X_1,\ldots,X_n,Z] \Big/ \left(Z^c-F \right).$$ Then $B$ is a UFD if one of the following conditions is satisfied:
$c \equiv 1 \ [\omega]$
Every finitely generated projective $A$-module is free.
If Samuel knew that the tensor product of two finite type $K$-algebras (with $K$ algebraically closed) which are UFD is again a UFD, he would certainly have mentionned that: $$B = A[X_1,\ldots,X_n,Z] \Big/ \left(Z^c-F \right) = A \otimes_K K[X_1, \ldots, X_n,Z]\Big/(Z^c-F)$$ is always a UFD when $A$ is a UFD which is a finite type algebra over $K$ algebraically closed (and he doesn't). At the end of the lecture notes, he gives various examples of such rings which are not UFD, but I can't find one where $K$ is an algebraically closed field and the second condition is the one that is not satisfied.
All in all, I would be very grateful to have a definitive answer on the initial question (even with a highly technological argument or counter-example).