I really need a proof for the following statement by Baumgartner:
There exists a stationary subset of $[\omega_2]^{\omega}$ of size $\aleph_2$.
This is Exercise 38.15. in Jechs Book (2003) and you can find a hint there which goes like this: For each $\alpha < \omega_2$, let $f_{\alpha} : \alpha \to \omega_1$ be one to one. If $\alpha < \omega_2$ and $\xi < \omega_1$ set $X_{\alpha, \xi} =$ { $\beta < \alpha : f_{\alpha} (\beta) < \xi$ }. Then $S:=$ { $X_{\alpha, \xi} : \alpha < \omega_2, \xi < \omega_1$} is our desired stationary subset.
But so far my attempts to proof this didn't work, because the sequence of the $f_{\alpha}$s doesn't have any nice regularity properties. Thank you.