I am looking for a name of a certain structure, which is a generalization of poset that admits non-binary comparisons.
Let $P$ be a set equipped with operations, for $n\geq2$, $$ C_n: P^n \to \{True, False\}$$ such that
- $(P,C_2)$ is a poset
- $C_n(p_1,\ldots,p_n) = True$ implies $C_k(p_{i_1},\ldots,p_{i_k}) = True$ for any $1\leq i_1< \ldots<i_k \leq n$.
- Some higher transitivities that I'm struggling to formulate.
Note that the converse of 2 does not need do hold!
Having a poset, you can build a structure like this by saying that $C_n(p_1,\ldots,p_n) = True$ if for all $i$ you have $C_2(p_i,p_{i+1}) = True$. In this case, chains $(p_1, \ldots, p_n)$ satisfying $C_n(p_1,\ldots,p_n)= True$ are just chains in your poset, and converse to 2 holds. But not every "higher poset" arises this way.
Question: have you ever seen these structures? How are they called? Where can I read about them?