Let $M^n$ be an $n$-manifold with nonempty boundary and let $\partial_0 M$ be a specific connected component of $\partial M$. I am interested in the set of continuous maps $f : [0,1] \to M$ such that $f^{-1}(\partial M) = \{ 0,1\}$ and such that $f(0),f(1) \in \partial_0 M$. Actually, I am interested in this set considered up to homotopies satisfying the same conditions. For the sake of having a name for it, I'll call it $\text{Arc}(M, \partial_0 M)$.
Now, pick a base point $\ast$ in $\partial_0 M$. There is a map $w : \text{Arc}(M, \partial_0 M) \to \pi_1(\partial_0 M) \backslash \pi_1(M) / \pi_1(\partial_0 M)$ given by taking whiskers from $\ast$ to the two feet $f(0)$ and $f(1)$ and pre/post-composing $f$ with these whiskers.
Is this map a bijection? Any references are welcome since I'd imagine this is well known if true.