Is there any integral expression for $\log (X + Y) - \log (X)$ if $X$ and $Y$ are positive definite matrices?
Could anyone give some suggestion as to how to find such an integral expression if there is any?
Thanks a bunch.
Is there any integral expression for $\log (X + Y) - \log (X)$ if $X$ and $Y$ are positive definite matrices?
Could anyone give some suggestion as to how to find such an integral expression if there is any?
Thanks a bunch.
The formula $$\frac{d}{ds}\log Z(s) = \int_0^1 [(1-t)I+tZ(s)]^{-1}Z'(s) [(1-t)I+tZ(s)]^{-1}\, dt,$$ with $Z(s)=X+sY$, gives upon integration of $$\int_0^1 \frac{d}{ds}\log Z(s)\,ds=\log Z(1)-\log Z(0)$$ an integral expression for $$\log(X+Y)-\log X=\int_0^1\int_0^1 [(1-t)I+t(X+sY)]^{-1} Y [(1-t)I+t(X+sY)]^{-1}\, dt\,ds.$$