The intersection of (countably many) 'spheres' in a Hilbert space can be non-empty. If we make this situation moving real analytically, the mid points and the radii, can it happen that the intersection becomes empty while it is not empty on an open set of the parameter space?
Let $H$ be a (separable) complex Hilbert space and $ z_i:(0,2)\to H$ and $r_i:(0,2)\to (\delta,1)$ be real analytic maps for $i=1,2,...$, where $\delta>0$. Furthermore $z_i(t)\not=z_j(t)$ for all $t$ and $i\not =j$. The set $M_t=\{w\in H\ \vert\ \langle w,z_i(t) \rangle =r_i(t)\ \forall i\}$ is assumed to be not empty for $t\in (0,1)$. Is it possible that $M_1$ is empty?
Remark: I am aware that the sets I call 'spheres' in fact are not spheres. I couldn't think of a better word.
Thanks for any hint!