Let $G$ be a finite group and $\lambda\in G$, consider a set $$D^{p+*}_{G}(\lambda):=\{P\in S^{p+*}_G|P^{\lambda}=P=[P,\lambda]\}$$ where:
$S^{p+*}_{G}$ denotes the set consisting of all non-trivial $p$-subgroups of $G$ with conjugation actions by $G$, and
$[P,\lambda]$ denotes the subgroup of $G$ generated by commutators $[x,\lambda]$ where $x\in P$.
It is clear that the centralizer $C_{G}(\lambda)$ acts on the set $D^{p+*}_{G}(\lambda)$.
Suppose that we take $p=2$, $G=\Sigma_n$, $n\geq 6$, and $\lambda=(1,2,3)$ a $3$-cycle.
Then it seems like in this case the action $C_{\Sigma_n}((1,2,3))$ on $D^{2+*}_{\Sigma_n}((1,2,3))$ is transitive with the stabilizer subgroup isomorphic to $C_{\Sigma_{n-1}}((1,2,3))$.
Does anyone know how to prove this statement?