Consider a symmetric random walk along the edges of an $n$-dimensional unit cube. At each time step, a particle located at a particular vertex $(a_1, \ldots, a_n)$ moves to an adjacent neighbor each with equal probability.
For an arbitrary starting point $(a_1, \ldots, a_n)$, how can I compute the probability that we will hit $(1, 1, \ldots, 1)$ before hitting $(0, 0, \ldots, 0)$? This will be a function of $n$.
I thought about making a Markov chain with $2^{n}$ states, but I'm not entirely sure if this is the right approach. Under this representation, I'm pretty sure some state $u = (a_1, \ldots, a_n)$ can move to some other state if and only if we can retrieve the second state by turning a bit off in $u$ or turning a bit on (that is not already on) in $u$. I think this may be the best approach, but I'm a bit stuck.
I wrote an expression for the probability of reaching the state with all ones prior to the state with all zeros for each different starting state, and I also use each temr in the expressions for others (so we need to solve for the variables), but I see no easy way to finish.
A solution is provided here, but it uses circuits and a less mathematical approach to derive the answer.
Any help is appreciated.