I'm reading Mumford's book Geometric Invariant Theory and confused about the proof of a lemma on Page 91&92:
Let $V_0$ be a smooth surface over an algebraically closed field $k$ with char$k=0$, and let $P$ be a closed point on $V_0$. Let $x,y$ be uniformizing parameters at $P$ on $V_0$ and $I:=(x^{r_0}\cdot y^{s_0},...,x^{r_n}\cdot y^{s_n})$ where $r_i,s_i$ are integers. For all positive rational number $a=p/q$ where $(p,q)=1$, define a valuation associate to $a$ such that discrete, rank 1 and centered at $P$:
$v_a(\sum a_{i j} x^iy^j)=\min_{a_{i j}\neq 0}\{ip+jq\}$.
Let $V$ be the normalization of blow up $Bl_{I} V_0$. Then the prime exceptional divisors on $V$ are exactly those prime divisors $E_a$ corresponding to valuations $v_a$, where the least integer in the sequence of integers $r_ip+s_iq, 0\leq i\leq n$ occurs at least twice.
Q1: In the proof of Lemma, he first claimed if $v$ is a valuation of $K(V)=K(V_0)$ centered at $P$ , then the center of $v$ has positive dimensional center if and only if $v$ has positive dimensional center on one of the following surfaces:
$Spec(\mathcal{O}_{P, V_0}[\frac{x^{r_0}\cdot y^{s_0}}{x^{r_i}\cdot y^{s_i}},...,\frac{x^{r_n}\cdot y^{s_n}}{x^{r_i}\cdot y^{s_i}}]), 0\leq i\leq n$
How to prove this claim?
Q2: To show every discrete valuation on $V$ is of form $v_a$ for some positive rational number $a$, he pass to the completion $Spec(\widehat{\mathcal{O}_{P, V_0}})$, and claimed that since $I$ is invariant under automorphisms $(x,y)\mapsto (\alpha x, \beta y)$, $v_a$ should also invariant under these automorphism, and he said it's easy to check only discrete valutions with required properties are $v_a$'s. But how to check this?
For Q1, I know the center of $v_a$ on $V$ is irreducible, hence to show center has positive dimension, we only need to show $v_a$ centered at two distince closed points. But I don't know how to continue.
Thanks for any help.