Let $P = \{1,\dots,p\}$ be a set of people. Consider partitioning $P$ into two disjoint sets, $A$ (of cardinality $a$) and $A^c = P-A$. Let us index $A$ as $A = \{A_1,\dots,A_a\}$. Each person in $A$ can choose at most $a$ people from $A^c$ to be friends with. Formally, $A_i$ can be friends with at most $a$ people denoted with $F_i \subset A^c$. We form all $p \choose r$ subsets $S_1, \dots, S_{p \choose r}$ of $P$, each of size $r$.
People in $A$ are a bit "strange" and have the following requirements:
- They want to only co-exist with their friends in any subsets they belong to; they don't want other people from $A^c$ in their subsets.
- They want to be in majority in the subsets $S_i$ they participate into, i.e., for those subsets: $S_i \cap A \geq \frac{r+1}{2}$.
Let $r' = \frac{r+1}{2}$.
- $r$ is odd, $r \geq 3$
- $r \leq a < p/2$
the question I am interested in is
"What is the maximum number of subsets $S$ of $P$ which either consist of people exclusively from $A$ or all people in $S \cap A^c$ are friends of the people in $S \cap A$ and $|S \cap A^c| \geq r'$ ?"
More formally, I want to find the best choice of the sets $F_1, \dots, F_a$ s.t. the following quantity is maximized $$\left|\left\{S: |A\cap S| \geq r' \text{ and } \forall j\in A^c\cap S, j \in F_i \text{ for all } i\in A\cap S\right\}\right|.$$
I think that the above quantity is equal to $$\left|\left\{S: |A\cap S| \geq r' \text{ and } (A^c\cap S)\subseteq \bigcap\limits_{i\in A\cap S}F_i\right\}\right|$$
and that the maximum value is achieved if all people in $A$ choose to be friends with the same subset of $A^c$, i.e., when $$F_1 = \dots = F_a = F$$
for some fixed $F\subset A^c$. My intuition is that this maximizes the overlap among the friendship sets. Then, the number of subsets with the above property is $$\sum_{i=r'}^{\max\{a,r-1\}}{{a}\choose{i}}{{a}\choose{r-i}} + {a \choose r}.$$
But I am not sure how to prove this since my argument for $F_1 = \dots = F_a = F$ is not well-established.