For a principal bundle $(P,\nabla)\to M$ over a Riemann surface with fiber $G$, the Yang-Mills equation is $\nabla *F=0$, where $*F$ is dual of the curvature with respect to a fixed metric on the surface. Presumably this should imply that $*F$ (which can be thought of as a section of the adjoint bundle) is a fixed element in the center of $\mathfrak g$. I don't know why this is true. This is what I've done so far: in local coordinates writing $\nabla=\partial+A$, we have:
$F_{ij}=\partial_iA_j-\partial_jA_i+[A_i,A_j]$ (curvature in local corrdinates)
$\nabla_i F^{ij}=\partial_iF^{ij}+[A_i,F^{ij}]=0$.
Why should this imply $F^{ij}$ is in the center of Lie algebra? (standard reference for this result is Atiyah-Bott: Y-M equations on Riemann surfaces)