We have developed a rich theory of analytic functions over $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\mathbb{C}^n$. This is pretty reasonable, as analyticity here (local representation by power series) is closely linked to desirable differentiability conditions. However, I see no reason why this idea of power series representation cannot be generalized to any ring $R$. To create such a power series, all we need is multiplication and addition (i.e. a ring). For $f(x) \in R[[X]]$, $$f(x) = \sum f_i x^i,$$ certainly is a formal power series. But under what conditions does this have meaning beyond a sequence of coefficients?
You can make analogous constructions over objects with more structure, like $R$-algebras. Perhaps these constructions may play nicely with the additional structure. There may also be technical issues with a general ring $R$, so if it is necessary just take this to be a field.
My main questions are the following,
- Are there necessary conditions on $R$ for these power series to be meaningful? You would at the least need some metric/norm, to make sense of convergence.
- What stronger conditions would we need to make a notion of derivative? That is to say, is there a situation where the formal derivative of this power series has some (probably geometric) meaning? How much analysis do we get for free here? Call this derivation $D$, what do things akin to a Taylor Series mean if we replace the derivative with $D$?
- Presuming that this process is indeed possible, do the elementary functions have meaningful analogs in the spirit of the matrix exponential? Say something, $$\cos_R(x) = \sum \frac{(-1)^n}{(2n)!} x^{2n},$$ where the integer coefficients come from the subring generated by $1_R$ in the obvious way. In this particular example, we would likely need a field, as there is division of coefficients.
- There's also the implicit question here of what do we mean by locally. Should this be done on open sets of a suitable topology? Should this be done in the AG manner of localization at a prime ideal?
I suspect that once you start adding additional hypotheses in hopes of getting some of the properties I listed above, the situation will very quickly narrow down to something like $ \left( \mathbb{R} \text{ or } \mathbb{C} \right)$-algebras. I hope there is some interesting examples that are not of this form.
These questions are numerous and open ended, so please share whatever you think may be useful. If you have recommendations to resources where I may read about topics similar to this, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you!