I think this is true. It suffices to prove the
Lemma. Given an orientation-preserving homeomorphism $h$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$ there is a compactly-supported homeomorphsim $h_1$ which agrees with $h$ on the unit ball.
By conjugating by dilations one can find $h_r$'s that agree with $h$ on the ball of radius $r$, and this gives a sequence of compactly-supported homeomorphisms converging pointwise to $h$.
The lemma can be proved using the ideas in the proof of the Annulus Conjecture, but it is simpler here to deduce it from the Annulus Conjecture and the closely-related fact that $Homeo^+(S^{n-1})$ is path-connected.
Proof: Given $h$ consider the sphere $h(S^{n-1}) \subset \mathbb{R}^n$. This is compact so is contained inside a sphere $r S^{n-1}$ for some $r \gg 0$. Both these spheres are locally flat, so by the Annulus Theorem the region between them is homeomorphic to $[0,1] \times S^{n-1}$. Combined with $h\vert_{D^n}$ this gives a homeomorphism
$$h': r D^n = D^n \cup [1,r] \times S^{n-1} \to r D^n = h(D^n) \cup \{annulus\}$$
which agrees with $h$ on the unit ball. On the boundary it induces an orientation-preserving homeomorphism of $rS^{n-1}$. Thisis topologically isotopic to the identity, and combined with $h'$ this gives a homeomorphism
$$h'' : (r+1)D^n = rD^n \cup [0,1] \times S^{n-1} \to (r+1)D^n = rD^n \cup [0,1] \times S^{n-1}$$
which agrees with $h$ on the unit ball and which is the identity on the boundary: extending by the identity gives the required $h_1$.