The Alon-Tarsi number is the least number $k$ such that the coefficient with degree $d$ of the graph polynomial $P(G)=\prod\limits_{i<j}(x_i-x_j)$,( where $x_i$ corresponds to a vertex and a term $x_i-x_j$ occurs iff there is an edge in the graph from vertex $i\to j$) is nonzero for $d<k$.
By Combinatorial Nullstellensatz, it is known that the list chromatic number of the graph is less than or equal to its Alon-Tarsi number. My question is, are there easy examples of graphs with list chromatic number strictly less than the Alon-Tarsi number; and what can be abound for the gap between the list chromatic number and the Alon-Tarsi number? Is it arbitrarily large? Thanks beforehand.