Given any $d$-dimensional shape $X$, let $V(X)$ be its $d$-dimensional volume, and let $\ell(X)$ be the length of the longest line segment connecting two points of $X$.
Let $\mathcal{S}_C$ be the set of all $d$-dimensional shapes such that their minimum bounding box is a $d$-dimensional cube $C$. I am interested in quantifying the trade-off between $\frac{V(X)}{V(C)}$ and $\frac{\ell(X)}{\ell(C)}$ over $X\in\mathcal{S}_C$ (informally, how much $\frac{V(X)}{V(C)}$ can be large while $\frac{\ell(X)}{\ell(C)}$ is small).
Question: Can we prove that for $d\gg 1$ and for all $X\in\mathcal{S}_C$ there exists a constant $c$ such that the following inequality always holds? $$\left(\frac{V(X)}{V(C)}\right)^{\tfrac1d}\le c\cdot\frac{\ell(X)}{\ell(C)}$$