There is a step in the proof of Theorem 4.11 of this set of notes that I don't quite see.
The set up is that $f$ is a $C^2$-diffeomorphism on some Riemannian manifold $M$, and that $E \oplus F = T M$ is a dominated splitting for $f$, and it is concluded that the 'stable' bundle $E$ is $\theta$-Hölder for some $\theta \in (0,1)$.
In the course of the proof it is shown that for every $k$ there is an $\epsilon_k > 0$ so that if $d(x, y) < \epsilon_k$ then $$ d(E_x, E_y) \le c(d(x,y)^\theta + \lambda^k), $$ where $c, \lambda$ and $\theta$ are uniform in $x,y$ and $k$, and $\lambda < 1$. In the next line it is claimed that the Hölder continuity of $E$ follows by taking $k$ large enough, presumably so that $\lambda^k \approx d(x,y)^\theta$, but then the value of $k$ depends on $x$ and $y$, which are in turn constrained by $k$ (via $\epsilon_k$).
To me this seems like a mistake, but I know that these kind of results are well-known, so perhaps I am missing something very simple. I would appreciate anybody explaining this step of the proof, or pointing me to a more detailed reference.