Is there a name for the class of geometric morphisms whose counits are epic (equivalently, whose direct images are faithful)?
This notably includes the class of inclusions/embeddings of toposes. By Example A4.6.2 in Johnstone's Sketches of an Elephant: A Topos Theory Compendium, all such morphisms are localic, but since Johnstone doesn't include a name there (and his cross-referencing is generally very thorough) I expect that they don't feature in the text in their own right.
If no one can dig up a reference, I would like to put forward injection as a name for this property, not only because faithfulness gives injectivity on hom-sets, but also because this is the conceptual dual of a geometric surjection, which has monic unit/faithful inverse image.
EDIT: In response to a requested example of an "injection" which fails to be an inclusion, the most obvious first place to search for non-trivial examples is to consider injections into Set, but these turn out to be disappointing. The domain must be a localic topos, and so the global sections functor sends a natural transformation $\alpha: F \to G$ to $\alpha(1)$; this is faithful if and only if every natural transformation of sheaves is determined uniquely by its value on the full space. Originally I thought discrete spaces would work, but if there exists any proper open subset, a disjoint union of two copies of the corresponding representable sheaf has a non-trivial automorphism which the global sections functor ignores, so the locale must in fact be trivial!
See Tim's comment for a more plausible example.