By the result in this paper, there exists a categorification of the trace of a linear operator that generalizes to any endomorphism of a dualizable object in a symmetric monoidal category ($\textbf{Vect}^\text{Fin Dim}_k$ obviously satisfies these requirements, with every object dualizable).
Consider the category $\textbf{Prop}$ of propositional statements where the objects are statements with a well-defined truth value, and the morphisms are implication (in particular, $\operatorname{Hom}_{\textbf{Prop}}(A,B)$ is either a singleton set, when $A$ implies $B$, or empty when $A$ does not imply $B$). The categorical product of $A$ and $B$ is $A \land B$, the coproduct is $A \lor B$. The initial object of the category is $0$, the canonical false statement, which implies everything by the principle of explosion, and the terminal object is $1$, the tautology.
$\textbf{Prop}$ can be made symmetric monoidal with either $\land$ or $\lor$ as the "tensor product," with $1$ as the identity in the former, and $0$ in the latter. Objects in $\textbf{Prop}$ are dualizable in the obvious way, using $\lnot$. Every object has exactly one endomorphism, its identity. What is the trace of the identity operator of a given statement in either case?
I've tried to work this out from the definitions in the paper, but haven't had any luck. Is there some issue with the definition of this category? It's entirely possible that $\textbf{Prop}$ is not well-defined as I've defined it.