If $\kappa$ is huge, then any countable support iteration $\mathbb{P}$ of proper forcing up to $\kappa$ (where each component is of size $<\kappa$) that forces $2^\omega = \kappa = \omega_2$, must also force the tree property at $\omega_2$.
To see this, suppose $j: V \to N$ is a huge embedding with critical point $\kappa$. The assumptions on $\mathbb{P}$ ensure that if $G$ is $(V,\mathbb{P})$-generic, the quotient $j(\mathbb{P})/G$ is proper from the point of view of $N[G]$, and by closure of $N$ in $V$, this quotient is proper from the point of view of $V[G]$ as well (because $V[G]$ sees that it really is a CS iteration of proper forcings). Then $V[G]$ sees that the poset $j(\mathbb{P})/G$ is a proper forcing that introduces a generic elementary embedding with critical point $\omega_2$. By the proof of Theorem 5 in my Chang's Conjecture and semiproperness of nonreasonable posets, this implies that $V[G]$ satisfies a strong form of Chang's Conjecture that I call $\text{SCC}^{\text{cof}}_{\text{gap}}$ (this is just a minor variation of an argument of Hiroshi Sakai). By a result of Torres-Perez and Wu (``Strong Chang’s Conjecture and the tree property at $\omega_2$"), together with failure of CH this implies the tree property at $\omega_2$.
(Edit: I see now that, due to a newer theorem of Torres-Perez and Wu in "Strong Chang's Conjecture, Semi-Stationary Reflection,
the Strong Tree Property and two-cardinal square principles", in $V[G]$ you actually get the Strong Tree Property at $(\omega_2,\lambda)$ for all $\lambda < j(\kappa)$, since the kind of parameterized Strong Chang's Conjecture they use in that paper holds in $V[G]$ below $j(\kappa)$. In particular, $V_{j(\kappa)}[G]$ models the full Strong Tree Property. Also, as Jing pointed out in the comments below, you don't really need hugeness for this; strong compactness of $\kappa$ is enough. NOTE: the abstract in the Torres-Perez and Wu paper fails to mention failure of CH, which is of course required for their proof in Section 3).
Even if $\mathbb{P}$ is an RCS iteration of semiproper posets (each of size $<\kappa$), you get the same result. The only difference is that the generic elementary embedding is obtained by a semiproper (rather than proper) forcing, but that's still enough (by Sakai's argument) to get what I call $\text{SCC}^{\text{cof}}$ and apply the Torres-Perez and Wu theorem.
Also note that in many cases, measurability of $\kappa$ is enough to run the argument. You just need that the individual posets used in the $j(\mathbb{P})/G$ iteration are not only proper in the generic extension of $N$, but also in the corresponding generic extension of $V$. There should be plenty of scenarios where $\kappa$-closure of $N$ in $V$ (rather than $j(\kappa)$-closure) is enough to obtain that (and similarly for the RCS iteration of semiproper).