The density of squarefree numbers is well known.
I am wondering about the squarefree numbers in $[2,n]$ namely the second and higher moments of the gaps. Is anything known about these?
The density of squarefree numbers is well known.
I am wondering about the squarefree numbers in $[2,n]$ namely the second and higher moments of the gaps. Is anything known about these?
A number of authors e.g. Hooley, Filaseta, Trifonov have considered this problem of moments of gaps between square-free numbers. For example, Filaseta and Trifonov (paper in Proc. London Math. Soc. (1996); see Theorem 4) showed that for all $0\le \gamma < 43/13=3.30769\ldots$ one has $$ \sum_{s_{n+1}\le x} (s_{n+1}-s_n)^{\gamma} \sim B(\gamma) x, $$ for some constant $B(\gamma)$. Here $s_n$ denotes the $n$-th square-free number.