Given a regular tessellation, i.e. either a platonic solid (a tessellation of the sphere), the tessellation of the euclidean plane by squares or by regular hexagons, or a regular tessellation of the hyperbolic plane.
One can consider its isometry group $G$. It acts on the set of all faces $F$. I want to define a symmetric coloring of the tessellation as a surjective map from $c:F\rightarrow C$ to a finite set of colors $C$, such that for each group element $G$ there is a permutation $p_g$ of the colors, such that $c(gx)=p_g\circ c(x)$. ($p:G\rightarrow $Sym$(C)$ is a group homomorphism).
Examples for such colorings are the trivial coloring $c:F\rightarrow \{1\}$ or the coloring of the plane as an infinite chessboard. The only nontrivial symmetric colorings of the tetrahedron, is the one, that assigns a different color to each face. For the other platonic solids there are also those colorings that assign the same colors only to opposite faces.
So my question is: Does every regular tessellation of the hyperbolic plane admit a nontrivial symmetric coloring?
I wanted to write a computer program that visualizes those tessellations, but I didn't find a good strategy which colors should be used. So I came up with this question.