Let $S(n)$ be the set of all sentences over PA of length at most $n$ (counting the quantifier symbols, boolean connectives, arithmetic operations and constants, and counting each variable as length $1$).
Let $I(n) = \{ φ : φ \in S(n) \land \text{$φ$ is independent of PA} \}$.
Let $E(n) = \{ φ : φ \in S(n) \land \text{PA$^-$ proves or disproves $φ$} \}$. [PA$^-$ is defined here.] $ \def\lfrac#1#2{{\large\frac{#1}{#2}}} $
I think $\lfrac{\#(I(n))}{\#(S(n))} \to 0$ as $n \to \infty$, contrary to the conjecture at the end of this paper.
My intuition is that it is relatively easy for a random sentence to be provable or disprovable just because of some provable example or counter-example. But I am not sure how to go about proving this. Is there any simple trick I am missing?
Also, I suspect $\lfrac{\#(I(n))+\#(E(n))}{\#(S(n))} \to 1$ as $n \to \infty$, but I am unsure.
This is actually an attempt to capture the idea that most statements that are not decided by PA$^-$ cannot be decided by PA. In intuitive terms I am trying to say that most statements are either easy to prove or disprove or independent of PA. Is any such thing true?
I posted this question on Math SE about a year ago but did not get any response, so I hope someone here can help. I would be quite surprised if my first conjecture is false! But neither conjecture seem to yield to structural induction or padding tricks.