$A \colon= {\Bbb C}[S_1,\ldots,S_n]$ with $1 \leq n < \infty$
$B \colon= A[X_1,\ldots,X_d]$ with $2 \leq d < \infty$.
$O \colon= (0,\ldots,0)$ be the origin of ${\mathrm{Spec}}\,B$.
Suppose ${\frak P}$ be a prime ideal of $B$ such that ${\frak P} \cap A = 0$.
Scheme-theoretically, this is equivalent to the following condition$\colon$ ${\mathrm{Spec}}\,B/{\frak P} \to {\mathrm{Spec}}\,A$ is dominant, i.e. surjective after taking the closure of the image.
Let $H$ be a hyperplane of ${\mathrm{Spec}}\,B$ whose defining equation $h$ satisfies the following condition$\colon$ $h = \Sigma_{i=1}^{i=d}a_iX_i\, ;\, a_i \in B, \phantom{i}^{\exists}a_i \not= 0 \,\,{\mathrm{s.t.}}\,\, a_i \in {\Bbb C}$.
and define the intersection $D \colon= ({\mathrm{Spec}}\,B/{\frak P}) \cap H$. There is a natural morphism $\phi \colon D \to {\mathrm{Spec}}\,A$.
Q. Is it possible to choose $H$ such that the following three conditions are satisfied?
(i) $D$ passes through $O$.
(ii) $D$ is irreducible.
(iii) $\phi$ is dominant.