Let $X$ be a random variable with the distribution $F$ (cdf).
What are the extreme points of the sets of the form: \begin{align} P_1&=\left\{ F: \int |x|^k dF\le c \right\},\\ P_2&=\left\{ F: |X| \le d \right\},\\ P_3&=\left\{ F: \int |x|^k dF\le c, \, |X| \le d \right\}.\\ \end{align} In this question it was shown for the set $P_1$, the set of extrem points are all two mass disributions. What about $P_2$ and $P_3$?
It would also be nice if some one can provide a good reference where the subject of finding extreme points of a set of distributions can be found. I am familiar with this reference. However, was thinking maybe there is a more modern work or survey on this.
Edit 1; Here is the definition of an extrem point:
An extreme point of a convex set, $A$, is a point $x \in A$, with the property that if $x = ty + (1 − t)z$ with $y,z \in A $and $t \in [0, 1]$, then $y = x$ and/or $z = x$.
Note that all of the sets above are convex.