Given a topological dynamical system $(X,T)$ (so that $T$ is a homeomorphism of the compact metric space $X$) and a point $x\in X$ we call the set ${\mathcal O}(x):=\overline{\{T^nx:n\in\mathbb Z\}}$ the orbit closure of $x$.
Question 0: Is there a name for systems with the property that the orbit closure of every point is uniquely ergodic (i.e., supports a unique invariant measure)?
It is well known that nilsystems have this property but not all distal systems do.
Question 1: Is it true that if $(X,T)$ and $(Y,S)$ are uniquely ergodic, then $(X\times Y,T\times S)$ has the property that every orbit closure is uniquely ergodic?
Question 2: What if in addition $(X,T)$ and $(Y,S)$ are distal?