Let $G$ be a semisimple group over $\mathbb C$, and $X=G/H$ be a spherical homogeneous space of $G$. Let $T\subset B\subset G$ be a maximal torus and a Borel subgroup. Let $S=S(G,T,B)$ denote the corresponding set of simple roots.
Let ${\mathcal{P}}(S)$ denote the set of subsets of $S$. Let $M$ denote the weight lattice of $X$, and set $N:={\rm Hom}(M,\mathbb Z)$. Let $\mathcal D$ denote the set of colors of $X$.
We have maps $\rho\colon \mathcal D\to N$ and ${\varsigma}\colon\mathcal D\to{\mathcal{P}}(S)$. Here ${\varsigma}(D)$ for $D\in\mathcal D$ is the set of simple roots $\alpha\in S$ such that the corresponding minimal parabolic subgroup $P_\alpha\supset B$ moves the color $D$. Thus we obtain a map $$ {\varsigma}\times\rho\colon\ \mathcal D\ \longrightarrow\ {\mathcal{P}}(S)\times N.$$ This map need not be injective, but by Proposition 3.2.3 of Losev's paper "Uniqueness property for spherical homogeneous spaces" each of its fibers has $\le 2$ elements.
Now consider the group ${{\rm Aut}}_G(X)=\mathcal N_G(H)/H$, this group acts on $\mathcal D$. One can easily see that ${{\rm Aut}}_G(X)$ acts on the fibers of ${\varsigma}\times\rho$.
Question 1. Is it true that ${{\rm Aut}}_G(X)$ acts transitively on each fiber of ${\varsigma}\times\rho$ ?
Question 2. In particular, is it true that if $\mathcal N_G(H)=H$, then then the map ${\varsigma}\times\rho$ is injective?